Summary of Contents

An aggregate of itch.io, tumblr, IFDB, and other website contents, serving as portfolio and repository. If links are broken, please contact bots b gonebfor.if@ggoodbyemail.com with a description of what is broken. Thank you.

This page is a member of the NeoInteractives Webring. Using the links at the top of the page will direct you to the next and previous website members of the webring.


[7/1/2024] Updated [ABOUT] page to mostly match professional bios.

[6/21/2024] Updated [PROJECTS] page, adding NYX, and removing The Return.

[6/3/2024] Happy Pride!!! Updated [PROJECTS] page, adding The Moon's Knight, (a game about lesbian knights...) created for NeoInteractive's Neo-Twiny Jam 2024.

[5/21/2024] Changed my name -- going by Grayson now -- and updated [ABOUT] page somewhat.

[5/11/2024] [PROJECTS] page is up to date. Added descriptions for Event Horizon and Event Horizon (Legacy). Added all game information for ATLAS.

[4/30/2024] Long time, no see... Collected bug report data from itch.io. Added new category to [PROJECTS] page. Added 30x30's Twine Template to [PROJECTS] page. Added framework for ATLAS. Removed fish emoji.

[3/30/2024] Repaired lack of background image in CLOSEDLOOP.

[3/27/2024] Unspecified content changes. Removed broken links.

[3/20/2024] Wrote and published sojourn for NeoInteractive's Revival Jam. Added to [PROJECTS] page.

[3/16/2024] Added general rating information to [PROJECTS] page. Added fish emoji.

[3/12/2024] Flipped site activity feed so most recent edits are at the top. Edited [PROJECTS] page. Added summaries for CLOSEDLOOP and By Starlight. Added game information for CLOSEDLOOP. Added teaser for secret short project.

[3/8/2024] Edited game page. Split Event Horizon and Event Horizon (Legacy), added teaser for By Starlight ;)

[3/7/2024] Bug fixes for constellate.

[3/1/2024] Updated game contents on [PROJECT] page. Added genre information, undertook the task of rewriting longform project summaries in a slightly more cool way.

[2/27/24] Fixed error with "fixed error" with IFDB show user link on [ABOUT] page :/ . Finalized adding webring functionality.

[2/26/24] Fixed error with IFDB show user link on [ABOUT] page. Off-site - drafted a better [ABOUT] page...

[2/23/24] Continued to break [PROJECTS] page. Added itch.io widgets to page. Re-published the legacy version of Event Horizon. At a more reasonable hour... added content and links to [ABOUT] page. Added game information for all short games to [PROJECTS] page, added webring functionality (waiting on links).

[2/22/24] Broke [PROJECTS] page. Standby...

[2/20/24] Began to add games to [PROJECTS] page.

[2/19/24] Site created! No links on [ABOUT] page (yet), [PROJECTS] page under construction.